
By installing SageGlass® in its main conference room, the Utrecht Regional Government is now able to use the space in a variety of sunlight conditions.


The Challenge

Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, and is the largest city in the province of the same name. Although the history of the region dates back to the early Middle Ages, the Utrecht Regional Government operates in facilities that were built very recently. One highlight of these facilities is the main conference room in the government center, which features high ceilings and a large skylight. The skylight that was installed, however, used conventional glass. The resulting glare during the day rendered the conference room unusable for hosting audio-visual presentations — one of its primary purposes. Faced with this dilemma, the building’s owners contacted SageGlass about optimizing the natural light while providing the necessary heat and glare control.



The Solution

Working with a local glazing contractor, SageGlass determined that the most cost-effective solution for the conference room was to add a large panel of SageGlass in a frame that would hang below the existing skylight. SageGlass is electronically controlled dynamic glass that tints and clears on demand to allow optimal daylighting while preventing glare, heat gain and fading. The newer, secondary, frame includes 38 square meters (300 square feet) of SageGlass in a double-glazing configuration. To maximize flexibility of control, the SageGlass panels can be tinted manually or automatically. There are four levels of tint, so users in the conference room can select the precise amount of daylight necessary for an optimal experience.



The Benefits

SageGlass blocks up to 98% of total solar radiation that causes glare and other undesirable ambient effects, yet still allows clear exterior views. By installing SageGlass in its main conference room, the Utrecht Regional Government is now able to use the space as it was intended — as a multifunctional venue for citizen and government presentations and discussions held at any time of day. The building’s occupants are pleased with the installation and are now considering adding light sensors to the room that would enable continuous automatic, electric light level optimization as well as reduced energy consumption.