How do smart windows save energy?

Electrochromic glass can significantly improve the energy efficiency of buildings by reducing loads on HVAC systems.  Smart windows respond to changes in the environment, limiting the heat or cold entering the space and helping building owners cut energy costs year-round.  Smart windows can help achieve green building certifications. 

How long do smart windows last?

The lifespan of smart windows is comparable to that of traditional low-e glass.  Smart windows provide a long-term, adaptive solar control solution for commercial building facades. A typical façade with low-e glass will require blinds or shades to control daylight.  Shades and blinds require consistent cleaning and maintenance and may need to be replaced multiple times over the life cycle of the glass. 

Does smart glass block sunlight?

Unlike traditional shading solutions that block daylight, smart windows tint in response to sunlight, providing glare control and thermal regulation without eliminating natural light from the space altogether.  This ensures that occupants stay cool and comfortable, while benefiting from exposure to natural light. 

How do you clean smart glass?

Smart windows can be cleaned just like any other window!  In fact, a dynamic glass solution can reduce the need for blinds or shades, making the cleaning of your spaces easier and more efficient.  Blinds and shades can be difficult to clean compared to hard surfaces and tend to collect dust, when not cleaned routinely and fully. 

What are the health benefits associated with smart glass?

Unlike traditional shading solutions, smart windows maximize daylight in a space and maintain unobstructed views of the outdoors, providing occupants the ultimate connection to the outside world.  Research has shown that natural light and outdoor views improve happiness and well-being.  In fact, daylight and views can result in less sick leave or absenteeism, a boost in productivity, and more sleep at night. 

How is the glass smart / what does it do?

Smart glass automatically tints and clears by electrical charge to control light and heat, optimizing thermal comfort and glare control in a space.  Also known as dynamic glass or smart windows, smart glass uses a combination of predictive and real-time inputs, such as weather, position of the sun, building orientation, location, occupancy, and time of day to optimize comfort. 

How does SageGlass compare to other dynamic glass and electrochromic options?

SageGlass offers two electrochromic or dynamic glass solutions that tint and clear automatically in response to real-time sunlight conditions. SageGlass Classic offers a full-pane uniform tinting solution. SageGlass Harmony®, the most advanced dynamic glazing solution available, is the only smart window solution available that can tint on a gradient, delivering targeting glare control while maximizing daylight.  

What exactly does SageGlass sell?

SageGlass provides electrochromic Insulating Glass Units (IGU), physical controls, hardware, and customized software for each project we deliver. We are a technology provider, and we deliver related services to help support projects over their lifetimes. We are not the installer of the SageGlass system.

How can smart window performance be incorporated into energy modeling?

Dynamic Glass is an available option in a number of popular energy modeling programs, such as EnergyPlus, IES-VE, and many others. However, the details of how it is incorporated vary based on the software being used. We have guidance on this available here.

We've found the best way to understand and incorporate electrochromic glass into your model is to talk to one of our internal modeling experts for help. If you have questions, please contact us.

How do smart windows compare with traditional solar control solutions?

Smart windows, or electrochromic glass, is glazing and shading all in one. First, we could compare it to a basic solution like low-e glass plus roller shades. But this solution is manual, doesn't preserve outdoor views, and doesn't save energy—so the performance isn't exactly comparable. A closer comparison for dynamic glass would be low-e glass plus an automated mechanical shade, or exterior louvers, fins, or overhangs.

How are SageGlass controls installed? Are there any installation limitations?

SageGlass has an intuitive "homerun" controls architecture that should be familiar to any electrician. The SageGlass Field Operations team creates controls plans and wiring diagrams, supporting the electrical contractor through the installation process as needed.

How much energy do smart windows save?

This varies based on climate zone, size of building, amount of glass, and other project-specific variables. Generally, smart class can reduce energy loads up to 15% and reduce peak energy loads up to 26%.